I can easily understand how he persuaded her.’ There was an edge to the tone of her voice. She picked up the book again. DEAR DIARY: ‘I did not pay too much attention to Bernard at first… I was kind of miffed that he got the introduction, and that Linda M. forgot about us completely. ‘During the break, though, he came up to us and told us that he had heard that we were also visiting. He wanted to ask questions about a couple of questions that we had asked– things about the American justice system which he did not understand. He was so warmly confident… not arrogant… and he was so interested in Stella and I, that we found that we enjoyed talking with him. ‘Strength… certainty… they seemed to flow from him. I found myself being interested in knowing more about him, and Stella was feeling the same things. After class, it was easy for the two of us to agree to have coffee with him– it was too early for dinner, and besides, with the two of us, we were safe. Stella is an older Hispanic. I just ... needed this.”I could see that Liz was really upset.“It’ll always be there for you,” I said, struggling to sit up. I put my arms around her and held her.“The past two days ... even before I started ... I’ve been obsessing,” she said. “God, you must think I’m such a weirdo.”“I think you’re my adorable girlfriend and I love you,” I said.Liz kissed me softly on the lips. Sitting up had permitted me to put my hands on her curvy bottom and I slid my hands up to her lower back.“Can I unzip your dress?” I asked.Liz shook her head again but her look of distress was gone.“I wanna wash my face,” she said. “I was gonna dance for you tonight.”“Dance for me?” I asked.“We drove past a titty bar,” Liz said, giggling slightly. “I was going to dance and shake my butt at you until you wanted me.”“I always want you,” I said.Liz bit her lip and put her forehead against mine.“You always want me,” she repeated. “I like that. I like that you want me.”“I like that I’ve got you,” I replied.I saw.
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